



今年, the College celebrated its 13th annual Campus 可持续性 Week, October 21-24 with the theme "Innovation for Our Environment."  The week’s programs, planned by a committee of faculty, 工作人员, 和学生, featured keynote speaker Frances Moore Lappe上 Tuesday, October 22, at 7 p.m. in the Nelly Goletti Theatre and is free and open to the public   Her lecture, "Innovation for Our Environment: Finding Hope Through Democratic Action" was part of the Academic Affairs 系列讲座 with support from School of 科学, Student Programming Council (SPC) and Campus Ministry. 


Ms. Lappe 有 authored or co-authored 19 books about world hunger, 民主生活, and the environment, beginning with the three-million copy Diet for a Small Planet in 1971. In Fall 2017, she coauthored Daring Democracy: Igniting Power, Meaning, and Connection for the America We Want 亚当·艾钦.  Frances is the cofounder of three organizations, including Oakland-based think tank Food First, 最近, the Small Planet Institute, which she leads with her daughter, 安娜Lappe. Frances and her daughter have also cofounded the Small Planet Fund, which channels resources to democratic social movements worldwide.                          


In addition to Ms. Lappe’s remarks, the week’s events included:     

Monday, October 21, 5:00 p.m., Student Center 3105:

Earth Ally program -  a voluntary program in which 学生, faculty and 工作人员 members interested in sustainability issues come together to learn about environmental topics and advance the mission of sustainability at Marist. Recipients commit to completing an iLearn-based training program, attending related events on campus, and making personal lifestyle choices that reflect the values of sustainability and stewardship. After completing the program, participants can proudly identify as certified Earth Allies.  


Tuesday, October 22, 7:00 p.m., Student Center, Nelly Golletti Theatre

Innovation for Our Environment: Finding Hope Through Democratic Action, keynote speaker Frances Moore Lappe (see information above)   


Wednesday, October 23

11:00 a.m.: 一个小时 引导走 of Fern Tor, the College’s natural area located at north end of campus.  Meet in front of Ward Hall, North Campus 住房 

  5:00 6:30 p.m., Student Center 3101, Student 科学 Showcase, School of 科学

  5:00 – 7:00 p.m., Student Center, 3rd 楼走廊, educational and information displays特色:

  • Bookbinding demonstration with recycled paper
  • Citizen’s Climate Lobby
  • Earth Ally program
  • Ethical Fashion Initiative repurposing workshop
  • 公平贸易
  • bet亚洲365欢迎投注堆肥
  • Marist Votes registration drive
  • 拼车纽约

Thursday, October 24: 

  5:00 p.m., Student Center 3102, bet亚洲365欢迎投注堆肥ing workshop featuring the film “潜水” (2010, 45分钟.) which explores food waste in America

  7:00 p.m., North End 餐厅, McCormick Hall, 可持续性 Mystery Basket Chef Challenge featuring Marist chefs preparing a meal from a basket of food leftovers