2023年4月17日 — 为 anyone walking across campus near the 新戴森中心 建筑工地, 很容易看到进步, 和 you don’t have to peek through the holes in the safety fence to notice it. 的 building was topped off last week as the final steel beams were put in place, 完成屋面结构. 的 project remains on schedule for a summer 2024 opening.

To commemorate this important stage in the construction, the final beam was signed by President Kevin Weinman, bet亚洲365欢迎投注董事罗布·戴森, School of 管理 Dean Will Lamb 和 School of 社会与行为科学 Dean Deborah Gatins, 和其他人.

“的 structural steel is now in place 和 the focus now will be on pouring the concrete floor slabs. 今年春天晚些时候, the crew will focus on enclosing the structure,贾斯汀·巴特韦尔说, Director of Physical Plant at Marist. “Those on campus will notice significant progress in the coming weeks 和 months. 我们是 on the right track with regard to the construction timeline.”  











新的110,000 square foot Dyson Center will be a destination for all Marist students 和 will be a centerpiece of the academic quad. It will feature public spaces for group study, 个人工作, 和 dining options 和 also serve as the new home for 职业服务. 的 学校 of 社会与行为科学 管理 also will be based in the Dyson Center. As the building takes shape, students are looking forward to what lies ahead.

“I am very excited for the new building 和 am especially looking forward to the mock courtroom 和 increased number of student collaboration rooms,25岁的伊莎贝拉·博尔扎克说, an Economics 和 Pre-law major at Marist. “I’m looking forward to taking advantage of this amazing new space.”

“I can’t wait to have a teaching method class in the 新戴森中心,25岁的Ava Sapano说, Childhood Education major at Marist. “的 new space will give education students the opportunity to get used to teaching in a classroom setup 和 practice lesson delivery in a comfortable environment.”

“I am happy to be a part of the first class in the 新戴森中心,贝拉·阿亚拉说, '25 Psychology 和 Childhood Education major. “I am particularly excited about the Dyson student resource room where we can build instructional materials for the classroom, which will be extremely helpful during student teaching!”

的 Mock Courtroom of the School of 社会与行为科学 at the 新戴森中心. 由Annum提供.
的 Mock Courtroom of the School of 社会与行为科学 at the 新戴森中心. 由Annum提供.

的 Dyson Center will provide Marist students with a variety of new opportunities for h和s-on learning 和 will include unique elements for both schools.

的 School of 管理’s Investment Center at the 新戴森中心. 由Annum提供.
的 School of 管理’s Investment Center at the 新戴森中心. 由Annum提供.

的 project is supported by a lead gift from the 戴森基金会. 的 building will incorporate many sustainable construction elements, reflecting Marist’s commitment to the environment. 的 project includes an adaptive reuse of existing foundation 和 structure, 高度隔热墙, 高效的暖通空调系统, a roof featuring living vegetation installed on top, 加强空气过滤.


